Define | Source | Implement
We help you define the IT and Payment Services that can be prioritized for 3rd party outsourcing
Our Sourcing process pre-qualifies top vendors by developing requirements, benchmarks and cost guidelines for a competitive (RFx) process
followed by an Implementation program to deliver results
Strategic Advisory IT Managed Services
Are you losing your best IT resources?
Confident in the state of your cyber security?
B2B Payment Optimization
Digitize – Automate – Optimize
The promise of fully electronic approval and payment has been around since the dawn of EDI. Why then are you still sending paper checks to vendors!? CostWellness can help make this a reality, savings hundreds of hours each month and millions of dollars in the process.
Our GAAAP process delivers the right optimization
Gather | Audit | Allocate | Authorize | Pay
including a detailed vendor analysis